The VehicleLevel represents the vehicle content from an external perspective through an arbitrary set of feature models. These contain VehicleFeatures that are organized to reflect the vehicle configuration and that have associated requirements, use cases, etc. for its definition.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] All contained feature models are FeatureModels that only contain VehicleFeatures.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The VehicleLevel represents the vehicle content through solution-independent features.<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>The VehicleLevel is shown as a solid-outline rectangle containing the name. Contained entities may be shown (White-box view).<br/><br/>Extension: class.<br/>
Name: technicalFeatureModel
This association identifies the core technical feature model of the complete system. This has a special role as it defines all the features of the complete system on vehicle level. In addition to this feature model, there may be one or more so-called product feature models (cf. association productFeatureModel in meta-class Variability in the variability extension).
Usually there will be the core technical feature model and one or more so-called "product feature models" on vehicle level, which provide an orthogonal view on the core technical feature model tailored to a particular purpose, for example an end-customer feature model. However, there may be other use cases for feature models on vehicle level. More detailed treatment of this is beyond the scope of the language specification and can be found in the accompanying usage and methodology documentations.