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EAST-ADL : Public Package DomainModel
The purpose of the EAST-ADL language is to capture automotive electrical and electronic systems with sufficient detail to allow modeling for documentation, design, analysis, and synthesis. These activities require system descriptions on several abstraction levels, from top level features down to tasks and communication frames. Moreover, the activities also involve the expression of non-structural aspects of the electrical/electronic system under development, e.g., requirements, behavior, and verification and validation.<br/><br/>By hosting all aspects of the automotive electrical/electronic system with this domain model, the relations between them can be managed more efficiently. The different abstraction levels give a modeling context and a view of systems, functions, and features on different levels of detail, and with a clear separation of concerns.<br/><br/>This language specification describes how information needed for relevant analysis and synthesis can be captured but does not define how the analysis or synthesis should be done. This approach was chosen in order to allow company-specific processes while harmonizing the design artifacts to allow information exchange between tools and organizations. In supplementary material we provide a methodology description, where the language concepts are used in the context of a generic process.<br/><br/>The purpose of the domain model is to specify the concepts of the domain. The domain model of EAST-ADL also acts as a metamodel, which uses concepts from the AUTOSAR metamodel. This means that the EAST-ADL metamodel (i.e., the EAST-ADL domain model) can be imported into the AUTOSAR metamodel, where the references from EAST-ADL to AUTOSAR are restored. The current version of the corresponding AUTOSAR metamodel is 4.0.<br/><br/>To import EAST-ADL into an AUTOSAR metamodel:<br/><br/>1) Open the AUTOSAR metamodel in Enterprise Architect.<br/><br/>2) Import the EAST-ADL metamodel as an XMI-file.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>
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Object Type Connection Direction Notes
Infrastructure Package Nesting From  
Timing Package Nesting From  
Dependability Package Nesting From  
Requirements Package Nesting From  
Structure Package Nesting From