
Header Image
DeviationPermissionKind : Public <<enumeration>> Class VehicleFeatureModeling
The DeviationPermissionKind is an enumeration with enumeration literals defining possible values for deviation attributes.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>See description.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>Enumeration, no extension.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
no Public
Notes: The deviation is not allowed.<br/>
append Public
Notes: The name, description or other attribute may only be changed by appending text without changing the original text. This kind is only applicable to deviation attributes "allowChangeName", "allowChangeDescription" and "allowChangeAttribute".<br/>
subset Public
Notes: The cardinality may only be changed such that the new cardinality is a subset of the original cardinality. This kind is only applicable to deviation attribute "allowChangeCardinality".<br/>
subtree Public
Notes: In case of deviation attribute "allowMove": the parent of the VehicleFeature may be changed, but the original parent must remain a predecessor (i.e. moving the VehicleFeature itself is allowed but it may only be moved further down within the same subtree).<br/><br/>In case of deviation attribute "allowReduction": the children of the VehicleFeature may be moved elsewhere, but they must remain successors of the VehicleFeature (i.e. moving them away is allowed but they may only be moved further down within the same subtree).<br/><br/>This kind is only applicable to deviation attributes "allowMove" and "allowReduction".<br/>
widen Public
Notes: Feature groups may only be widened, i.e. it is only legal to add features into a feature group that were not grouped before, but not to ungroup features. This kind is only applicable to deviation attribute 'allowRegrouping'.<br/>
yes Public
Notes: The deviation is allowed.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0