The EAST-ADL logical path (LogicalPath) is a set of restrictions on the cause-effect flows of some observable logical and executional events. It provides the modeling support for annotating the expected cause-effect traces across a system or a component.<br/><br/>A logical path specifies the overall causality of computation by relating execution events with logical transformations and logical events. An execution event can be the triggering of function, port reading or writing, which constitutes the basis for the description of execution control using timing event chains (Timing::EventChain). Compared to such execution events, the logical transformation and logical events are only concerned with the computational logic. The specification of logical path allows the internal causality of the computations of a function/component to be captured and merged explicitly with the related external execution events. <br/><br/>Logical paths can be combined in parallel (strand) or in sequence (segment).<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>A logical path is a set of restrictions on the cause-effect flows of computation. When applied to a function/component, a logical path defines the correspondence from a triple of logical stimulus (logicalStimulus), logical transformation (transformationOccurrance), and logical response (logicalResponse), to a triple of preceding execution event chains (precedingEventChain), the corresponding execution event chains (correspondingExecutionEventChain), and the succeeding execution event chains (succeedingEventChain).<br/><br/>By describing the internal causality of a function/component, a logical path may refine an execution event chain (correspondingExecutionEventChain), which is primarily used to capture the causality of triggering, port reading and writing events. <br/>