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BehaviorConstraintParameter : Public abstract Class BehaviorConstraintParameterBinding, BehaviorConstraintsInternalStructure
BehaviorConstraintParameter is the modeling construct for the declarations of the parameters that a behavior constraint type offer for its instantiations. During the instantiation, a behavior constraint prototype declares the particular contextual parameters to be bound (BehaviorConstraintPrototype.BehaviorinstantiatedWithParameter) with the parameters of its corresponding behavior constraint types (BehaviorConstraintPrototype.type:BehaviorConstraintType.parameter). This allows thereby the values of those contextual parameters to be assigned to the parameters of prototypes. <br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>See Attribute and TransitionEvent.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>See Attribute and TransitionEvent.<br/>
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«atpType» BehaviorConstraintType
Name: interfaceVariable
The parameters that a behavior constraint type offer at its interface for its instantiation.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
TransitionEvent Class Generalization From  
«atpPrototype» Attribute Class Generalization From