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FunctionTrigger : Public Class BehaviorContraintsTargetAssocation, BehaviorModelOrganization, FunctionBehavior
FunctionTrigger represents the triggering parameters necessary to define the execution of an identified FunctionType or FunctionPrototype. When referring to a FunctionType, a FunctionTrigger applies to all FunctionPrototypes of the given type. When referring to a FunctionPrototype, the trigger is only valid for this particular FunctionPrototype.<br/><br/>Triggering is defined either as event-driven or time-driven - depending on the property triggerPolicy. If set to TIME, the timing constraint is defined with an event constraint associated with the Function's or FunctionPrototype's EventFunction. The function event refers to the activation of the function. If set to EVENT the referenced ports trigger the function using AND semantics, i.e., activate the function.<br/><br/>In addition, a FunctionTrigger may refer to a list of Modes in which the trigger will be considered as potentially active. As of FunctionBehaviors may also refer to Modes, it is possible to arrange various function configurations for which different sets of triggers and behaviors are active. And this, at various levels of granularity, either with a type-wise scope (by referring to a FunctionType) or specifically at prototype level (by referring to a FunctionPrototype).<br/><br/>Note that several FunctionTriggers may be assigned to the same Function (Type or Prototype), for instance to define alternative trigger conditions and/or timing constraints.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>Association Mode defines in which modes the trigger is active.<br/><br/>The FunctionBehavior referenced by the FunctionTrigger is invoked when the FunctionTrigger is active. If multiple ports are referenced, this implies an AND semantics.<br/><br/>It is possible to have multiple triggers on a function, e.g., a slow period complemented with an event trigger allows fast response when needed but a minimal execution rate.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] The port association must not be empty when triggerPolicy is EVENT.<br/><br/>[2] The port association is empty when triggerPolicy is TIME.<br/><br/>[3] Function and functionPrototype are mutually exclusive associations. A FunctionTrigger either identifies a FunctionType or a FunctionPrototype as its target function, but not both.<br/><br/>[4] Only FunctionFlowPort of direction=in shall be referred to in the association port.<br/><br/>Extension:<br/>Class<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
triggerPolicy Public TriggerPolicyKind
Notes: Defines the triggering policy, either EVENT or TIME. The function event refers to the activation of the function. If set to EVENT, one or several ports of the Function triggers the function, i.e., activates the function.<br/><br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«atpType» FunctionType
Name: function
The FunctionType that the FunctionTrigger refers to.
Name: mode
The execution Modes in which the FunctionTrigger is active.
«atpPrototype» FunctionPrototype
Name: functionPrototype
The FunctionPrototype that the FunctionTrigger refers to.
Name: functionTrigger
«atpPrototype» FunctionPort
Name: port
The FunctionPorts that act as triggers individually or as specified in the triggerCondition.
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: constrainedFunctionTriggering
The function triggering being refined by a behavior constraint description.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«atpMixedString» EAExpression Class Generalization To  
EAElement Class Generalization To  
Behavior Class Strong To