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ContainerConfiguration : Public Class ConfigurationModeling, VariabilityElementsOrganization
ContainerConfiguration defines an actual configuration of the variable content of a ConfigurableContainer, in particular the selection or de-selection of contained VariableElements and the configuration of the public feature models of other contained ConfigurableContainers. For more details on the variable content of a ConfigurableContainer refer to the documentation of meta-class ConfigurableContainer.<br/><br/>The ContainerConfiguration inherits from ConfigurationDecisionModel even though it does not define a configuration link between feature models, similar to FeatureConfiguration. For more information on this, refer to the documentation of meta-class FeatureConfiguration.<br/><br/>The source and target feature models of a ContainerConfiguration are defined implicitly: it always has zero source feature models (as explained for FeatureConfiguration) and its target feature models can be deduced from the ConfigurableContainer being configured by applying the same rules as defined for InternalBinding.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The ContainerConfiguration specifies a concrete configuration of the variable content of a ConfigurableContainer.<br/><br/>Extension:<br/>Class<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
Name: configuredContainer
The ConfiguredContainer being configured by this ContainerConfiguration.
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: containerConfiguration
The configured ConfigurableContainer
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
ConfigurationDecisionModel Class Generalization To  
Variability Class Strong From