This class represents a binding on the vehicle level or coming from the vehicle level with explicitly defined source and target feature models. The source feature models must be on vehicle level, but the target feature models may be located on artifact level, e.g. the public feature model of the top-level FunctionType in the FDA. This way, a VehicleLevelBinding may be used to bridge the gap from vehicle level variability management to that on the artifact level.<br/><br/>Source feature models may be either the core technical feature model (as defined by association technicalFeatureModel of meta-class VehicleLevel) or one of the optional product feature models (as defined by association productFeatureModel of meta-class Variability in the variability extension).<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] The sourceVehicleFeatureModels shall only contain VehicleFeatures.<br/>[2] The sourceVehicleFeatureModels shall be different from the targetFeatureModels.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>See description.<br/>