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QualityRequirementKind : Public <<enumeration>> Class RequirementsOverview
QualityRequirementKind represents an enumeration with enumeration literals describing various types of quality requirements.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>QualityRequirementKind represents the kind of QualityRequirement given by the definition of the respective Enumeration Literal.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>Enumeration, no extension.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
availability Public
Notes: The requirement is related to availability, the readiness for correct service.<br/>
confidentiality Public
Notes: The requirement is related to confidentiality.<br/>
configurability Public
Notes: The requirement is related to the ability to configure the functionality.<br/>
ergonomy Public
Notes: The requirement is related to the ergonomy of the functionality.<br/>
integrity Public
Notes: The requirement is related to integrity, absence of improper system alteration.<br/>
humanMachineInterface Public
Notes: The requirement is related to the human-machine interface.<br/>
maintainability Public
Notes: The requirement is related to maintainability, the ability to undergo modifications and repairs.<br/>
other Public
Notes: The requirement is a quality requirement with a general classification.<br/>
performance Public
Notes: The requirement is related to performance in general.<br/>
reliability Public
Notes: The requirement is related to reliability, the continuity of correct service.<br/>
safety Public
Notes: The requirement is related to safety, the absence of catastrophic consequences on the user(s) and the environment.<br/>
security Public
Notes: The requirement is related to security.<br/>
timing Public
Notes: The requirement is related to timing.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0