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TimingConstraints : Public Package DomainModel
TADL2 offers a palette of means to constrain the time occurrences of events. These can roughly be grouped into restrictions on the recurring delays between a pair of events, restrictions on the repetitions of a single event, and restrictions on the synchronicity of a set of events. All constraints provided by TADL2 are defined in this package.<br/><br/>The semantics of some timing constraint is described by references to other timing constraints in this package. Default attribute values, which apply in a right-to-left manner whenever a constraint argument list is too short to match all defined attributes, are given when applicable.<br/><br/>A helper constraint RepeatConstraint is defined in TADL2, in modeling a RepetitionConstraint with jitter = 0 is used instead.<br/><br/>A system behavior satisfies a RepeatConstraint c if and only if<br/>for each subsequence X of c.event,<br/> if X contains span + 1 occurrences then<br/> e is the distance between the outermost<br/> occurrences in X<br/> and<br/> c.lower #lt;= e #lt;= c.upper<br/><br/>The RepeatConstraint defines the basic notion of repeated occurrences. If the span attribute is 1 and the lower and upper attributes are equal, the accepted behaviors must be strictly periodic. If span is still 1 but lower is strictly less than upper, the pattern may deviate from a periodic one in an accumulating fashion, making the window within which occurrence number N may appear as wide as N(upper-lower) time units. A span attribute greater than 1 similarly constrains every sequence of span+1 occurrences, but places no restriction on the distances within shorter sequences.<br/>
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