The NonPreemptiveConstraint represents a particular constraint applied on the execution sequence of functions, represented by an event chain composed solely of EventFunctions: the sequence of the functions is not allowed to be preempted by any other function.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The semantics for the NonPreemptiveConstraint metaclass is to define a non-preemptive execution sequence of the EventFunctions referenced by the referenced event chain. No function of the system is allowed to preempt the referenced function sequence referenced by the event chain of the NonPreemptiveConstraint.<br/>An EventChain referenced by a NonPreemptiveConstraint is called "atomic".<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>NonPreemptiveConstraint is shown as a box with its name/icon. It points to the event chain.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] A NonPreemptiveConstraint refers to any EventChain that solely contains EventFunctions.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>The NonPreemptiveConstraint extends UML2 metaclass Class and Dependency.<br/><br/>