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PrecedenceConstraint : Public Class TimingElementsOrganization
The PrecedenceConstraint represents a particular constraint applied on the execution/occurrence sequence of events.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The semantics for the PrecedenceConstraint metaclass is to define an execution/occurrence order of the events referenced by the referenced event chain. Segments of the event chain can be used to identify multiple events such that<br/><ul>
<li>multiple stimulus events (s_1...s_n) with the same response event r have to precede the response event r in the specified order (s_1 precedes s_2 and so on),</li><li>multiple response events (r_1...r_m) with the same stimulus event s have to happen after the stimulus event s in the specified order (r_1 precedes r_2 and so on).</li></ul>
<br/>Note: For information about the general execution/occurrence approach, please refer to the "FunctionTrigger" documentation.<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>ALTERNATIVE 1: PrecedenceConstraint is shown as a box with its name/icon. It points to the event chain.<br/><br/>ALTERNATIVE 2: The starting entity (e.g., a signal event) points to the entity that it precedes (e.g., an actuator) with a dashed arrow with "Precedes" next to it. (For advanced tools with semantics check/act as a wizard.)<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>The PrecedenceConstraint extends UML2 metaclass Class and Dependency.<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
Name: eventChain
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
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