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FeatureConstraint : Public Class FeatureModeling
Captures a constraint on the containing feature model's configuration which is too complex to be expressed by way of a FeatureLink. In general, all constraints that can be expressed by a FeatureLink can also be expressed by a FeatureConstraint, but not vice versa.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>See description.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Associations
  • Advanced
  • Other Links
Attribute Scope Type
criterion Public String
Notes: The actual constraint. This is a logic expression in VSL like the criterion of a ConfigurationDecision. For the constraint to be met this expression always has to evaluate to true.<br/><br/>For example, to express a mutual exclusion of two features, use the expression "! (Radar & RainSensor)". However, note that this particular constraint could also be formulated as a FeatureLink with type "excludes".<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«atpStructureElement» FeatureModel
Name: featureConstraint
FeatureConstraints owned by the FeatureModel.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
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