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VariabilityDependencyKind : Public <<enumeration>> Class FeatureModeling, ArtifactLevelVariationManagement
This enumeration encapsulates the available types of variability constraints <br/>Semantics:<br/>Predefined kinds of constraints that apply when a VariabilityDependencyKind is used. Semantics is defined for the respective enumeration literal. <br/><br/>Extension: <br/>Enumeration, no extension.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
needs Public
Notes: When used in a FeatureLink: if the FeatureLink's start feature S is selected, then also its end feature E must be selected: not (S and not E). Always unidirectional.<br/><br/><br/>
excludes Public
Notes: When used in a FeatureLink: if the FeatureLink's start feature S is selected, then its end feature E must not be selected: not (S and E). Always unidirectional.<br/><br/><br/>
optionalAlternative Public
Notes: When used in a FeatureLink: the FeatureLink's start feature S and end feature E are incompatible and must never be both selected in a single configuration: not (S and E). Always bidirectional.<br/><br/><br/>
mandatoryAlternative Public
Notes: When used in a FeatureLink: either the FeatureLink's start feature S or its end feature E must be selected in any configuration: S xor E. Always bidirectional.<br/><br/><br/>
suggests Public
Notes: Weak form of "needs". <br/><br/>When used in a FeatureLink: if the FeatureLink's start feature S is selected, then usually(!) also its end feature E must be selected. You can select S without E but you should have a good reason to do so. Always unidirectional.<br/><br/>
impedes Public
Notes: Weak form of "excludes".<br/><br/>When used in a FeatureLink: the FeatureLink's start feature S and its end feature E must usually(!) not be selected in a single configuration. You can select S together with E but you should have a good reason to do so. Always bidirectional.<br/><br/>
custom Public
Notes: When used in a FeatureLink: the attribute customType in the FeatureLink defines the custom feature link type as explained there.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0