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DeviationAttributeSet : Public Class VehicleFeatureModeling
DeviationAttributeSet specifies the set of rules of allowed deviations from the reference model in a referring model. These rules are important, because they make sure that the different FeatureModels, referring to one reference model, follow specific rules for deviation, so a later integration into one FeatureModel may be possible.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>See description.<br/><br/>Extension:<br/>DataType<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
allowChangeAttribute Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the VehicleFeature attributes may be changed. Allowed values: no, append, yes.<br/>
allowChangeCardinality Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the VehicleFeature cardinality (i.e. variability of the VehicleFeature) may be changed. Allowed values: no, subset, yes.<br/>
allowChangeDescription Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the VehicleFeature description may be changed. Allowed values: no, append, yes.<br/>
allowChangeName Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the VehicleFeature name may be changed. Allowed values: no, append, yes.<br/>
allowMove Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the VehicleFeature may be moved to another place in the feature diagram. Allowed values: no, subtree, yes.<br/>
allowReduction Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets if the reference feature may have a child without a corresponding referring feature among the children of the referring feature. Allowed values: no, subtree, yes.<br/>
allowRefinement Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how adding may be done of a child feature (without a corresponding feature in the reference model). Allowed values: no, yes.<br/>
allowRegrouping Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets whether and how the immediate child features of the VehicleFeature are allowed to be regrouped (i.e. creation or deletion of FeatureGroups below the respective VehicleFeature). Allowed values: no, widen, yes.<br/>
allowRemoval Public DeviationPermissionKind
Notes: This rule sets if the feature in the referring model (compared to the reference model) may be deleted. Allowed values: no, yes.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: deviationAttributeSet
Possible deviation attributes included in the VehicleFeature. If the VehicleFeature is part of a reference feature model in the context of multi-level feature models, the attribute can constrain the allowed deviations for the respective referring features.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
VehicleFeature Class Strong To  
EAElement Class Generalization To