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Node : Public Class HardwareModeling
Node represents the computer nodes of the embedded electrical/electronic system. Nodes consist of processor(s) and may be connected to sensors, actuators and other ECUs via a BusConnector.<br/><br/>Node denotes an electronic control unit that acts as a computing element executing Functions. In case a single CPU ECU is represented, it is sufficient to have a single, non-hierarchical Node. <br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The Node element represents an ECU, i.e. an Electronic Control Unit, and an allocation target of FunctionPrototypes.<br/><br/>The Node executes its allocated FunctionPrototypes at the specified executionRate. The executionRate denotes how many execution seconds of an allocated functionPrototype´s execution time are processed in each real-time second. Actual execution time is thus found by dividing the parameters of the ExecutionTimeConstraint with executionRate.<br/><br/>Example: If an ECU is 25% faster than a standard ECU (e.g., in a certain context, execution times are given assuming a nominal speed of 100 MHz; our CPU is then 125 MHz), the executionRate is 1.25. An execution time of 5 ms would then become 4 ms on this ECU.<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>Node is shown as a solid-outline rectangle with Node at the top right. The rectangle contains the name, and its ports or port groups on the perimeter.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
executionRate Public Float
Notes: ExecutionRate is used to compute an approximate execution time. A nominal execution time divided by executionRate provides the actual execution time to be used e.g. for timing analysis in feasibility studies.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«atpType» HardwareComponentType Class Generalization To