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Mode : Public Class Dependability, TemporalConstraint, BehaviorContraintsTargetAssocation, BehaviorModelOrganization, TimingElementsOrganization, RequirementsOverview, RequirementsOrganization, GenericConstraintsOrganization, FunctionBehavior, Events, SafetyConcept
Modes are a way to introduce various configurations in the system to account for different states of the system, or of a hardware entity, or an application. The use of modes can be used to filter different views of the model.

Modes are characterized by a Boolean condition provided as a String, which evaluates to true when the Mode is active.

As far as behavior is concerned, Modes enable the logical organization of a set of triggers and behaviors over a set of functions. Modes are referred to by both FunctionTriggers and FunctionBehaviors (see FunctionTrigger and FunctionBehavior).

Modes can be further organized in mutually exclusive sets with ModeGroups (see that element).

The Mode is active if and only if the condition is true.
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Attribute Scope Type
condition Public String
Notes: A Boolean expression that characterizes the Mode, it evaluates to true when the Mode is active. The syntax and grammar of this expression is unspecified.