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FeatureConfiguration : Public Class ConfigurationModeling, VariabilityElementsOrganization
FeatureConfiguration defines an actual configuration of a FeatureModel, in particular the selection or de-selection of optional features, values for selected parameterized features, and instance creations for cloned features.<br/><br/>Note that configurations of feature models are realized as a specialization of metaclass ConfigurationDecisionModel. This is possible because a ConfigurationDecisionModel also captures the configuration, i.e., of its target feature model(s); while in the standard case of ConfigurationDecisionModel this target-side configuration depends on a given configuration of source feature model(s), here we simply define a "constant" target-side configuration without considering any source configurations. Therefore, the FeatureConfiguration meta-class has additional constraints compared to the super-class ConfigurationDecisionModel: the FeatureConfiguration has no source FeatureModel and only a single target FeatureModel, which serves as the FeatureModel being configured, explicitly defined through association 'configuredFeatureModel'. And since there is no source feature model to which the criterion can refer, all ConfigurationDecisions in a FeatureConfiguration must have "true" as their criterion.<br/><br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The FeatureConfiguration specifies a concrete configuration of a feature model, in particular which Features of this FeatureModel are selected or deselected.<br/><br/>Extension:<br/>Class<br/><br/>Constraint:<br/>[1] Attribute criterion of all ConfigurationDecisions in a FeatureConfiguration must be set to "true".<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
«atpStructureElement» FeatureModel
Name: configuredFeatureModel
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: configuration
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
Variability Class Weak From  
ConfigurationDecisionModel Class Generalization To