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Satisfy : Public Class UseCase, RequirementsRelationships, Satisfy
The Satisfy is a relationship metaclass, which signifies the relationship between a Requirement and an element intended to satisfy the Requirement.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The Satisfy metaclass signifies a satisfied requirement/satisfied by relationship between a set of Requirements and a set of satisfying entities, where the modification of the supplier Requirements may impact the satisfying client entities. The Satisfy metaclass implies the semantics that the satisfying client entities are not complete without the supplier Requirement.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] The EAElement in the association satisfiedBy may not be a Requirement or RequirementContainer.<br/>[2] An element of type Satisfy is only allowed to have associations to either elements of type UseCase (see satisfiedUseCase) or elements of type Requirement (see satisfiedRequirement). Not both at the same time!<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>A Satisfy relationship is shown as a dashed line with an arrowhead at the end that corresponds to the satisfied Requirement or UseCaseUseCase. The entity at the tail of the arrow (the satisfying EAElement or the satisfying ARElement) depends on the entity at the arrowhead (the satisfied Requirement or UseCaseUseCase).<br/><br/>Extension:<br/>To specialize SysML::Satisfy, which extends Realization.<br/><br/>Temporary change in the profile (to overcome Papyrus current limitation):<br/>- added extension towards Dependency<br/><br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
Name: satisfiedRequirement
List of Requirements that are satisfied by the client ADLElement or satisfied by the client AUTOSAR element.
Name: satisfiedUseCase
List of satisfied UseCases that are satisfied by the client EAElements or satisfied by the client AUTOSAR elements.
Element Source Role Target Role
«instanceRef» Satisfy_satisfiedBy
Name: satisfiedBy
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
RequirementsRelationship Class Generalization To  
Identifiable Class Dependency To  
«instanceRef» Satisfy_satisfiedBy Class Strong From