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EventFunction : Public Class TimingElementsOrganization, EventFunction, FunctionEvents
EventFunction refers to various events of the referenced Function, from the activation or triggering of the Function, the start i.e., when the input data is consumed to the stop, when function execution is completed. Preemption and resume events may occur in between. EventFunction of kind activate can be used in conjunction with FunctionTrigger to define a time-driven triggering for a function. In this case the FunctionTrigger points to the EventFunction of the function and defines a triggerPolicy set to TIME. The timing constraint associated to the EventFunction provides information about the period.<br/><br/>Compare categories of AUTOSAR runnables:<br/><br/>1a triggering only on start and finish (this type of event)<br/><br/>1b triggering allowed anytime during the execution (events on ports, see EventFunctionFlowPort).<br/><br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The EventFunction refers to the different events related to the function execution, as defined by the eventKind attribute.  <br/>Activate event correspond to triggering of the function and start is the time of execution and input data consumption. stop is the time of completion and output data provision. <br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] An EventFunction either identifies a FunctionType or a FunctionPrototype as its target function.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
eventKind Public EventFunctionKind
Element Source Role Target Role
«atpType» FunctionType
Name: functionType
The event is valid for all occurrences of this function.
Element Source Role Target Role
«instanceRef» EventFunction_function
Name: function
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
Event Class Generalization To  
«instanceRef» EventFunction_function Class Strong From  
«atpPrototype» FunctionPrototype Class Dependency To