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Anomaly : Public abstract <<atpPrototype>> Class AttributeQuantificationConstraint, SafetyConstraints, FaultFailure, ErrorModel
The Anomaly metaclass represents a Fault that may occur internally in an ErrorModel or be propagated to it, or a Failure that is propagated out of an Error Model. The anomaly may represent different Faults or Failures depending on the range of its EADatatype. Typically, the EADatatype is an Enumeration, for example:<br/><br/>BrakeAnomaly:<br/><br/>- BrakePressureTooLow<br/><br/>Semantics="brake pressure is below 20% of requested value"<br/><br/>- Omission<br/><br/>Semantics="brake pressure is below 10% of maximal brake pressure"<br/><br/>- Comission<br/><br/>Semantics="brake pressure exceeds requested value with more than 10% of maximal brake pressure"<br/><br/>Semantics may also be a more formal expression defining in the type of the nominal datatype what value range is considered a fault. This depends on the user and tooling available.<br/><br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>An anomaly refers to a condition that deviates from expectations based on requirements specifications, design documents, user documents, standards, etc., or from someone's perceptions or experiences (ISO26262). The set of available faults or failures represented by the Anomaly is defined by its EADatatype, typically an enumeration type like {omission, commission}. It is an abstract class further specialized with metaclasses for different types of fault/failure.<br/><br/><br/>Extension:<br/>(UML::Part)<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
«atpType» EADatatype
Class «isOfType»
Name: type
The declaration of port type.
Element Source Role Target Role
«instanceRef» FaultFailure_anomaly
Class «»
Name: anomaly
Name: visibleThroughAnomaly
An anomaly in the mapped ErrorFunctionType.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«atpPrototype» FaultFailurePort Class Generalization From  
EAElement Class Generalization To  
InternalFaultPrototype Class Generalization From  
ProcessFaultPrototype Class Generalization From  
FaultFailure Class Dependency From