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ExposureClassKind : Public <<enumeration>> Class Dependability
The ExposureClassKind is an enumeration metaclass with enumeration literals indicating the probability attributes E1, E2, E3 or E4 in accordance with ISO26262.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The semantics are defined at each enumeration literal and fully defined in the ISO26262 standard.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>Enumeration, no extension.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
E1 Public
Notes: Rare events. Situations that occur less often than once a year for the great majority of drivers<br/>
E2 Public
Notes: Sometimes. Situations that occur a few times a year for the great majority of drivers<br/>
E3 Public
Notes: Quite often. Situations that occur once a month or more often for an average driver<br/>
E4 Public
Notes: Often. All situations that occur during almost every drive on average<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0