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ComparisonConstraint : Public Class GenericConstraintsOrganization
A ComparisonConstraint defines conditions that must be met between a value and a referenced Identifiables (target). The condition can be defined using valued EAExpression or operator attribute.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>Case 1 (One/Multiple (ordered) target(s)): The GenericConstraint refers to the list of targets and refers to the internal relation of the targets. In the case that the operator is “not equal“, the targets have to be unique (pairwise not equal). In the case of non-equalities (“greaterThan“, “lessThan“, etc.) the targets are ordered according to this operator.<br/><br/>Case 2 (One/Multiple (ordered) target(s) and one literal value (including numerical)): The GenericConstraint refers to the list of targets and all targets have to follow the stated constraint (defined by operator and value).<br/><br/>Case 3 (One/Multiple (ordered) target(s) and literal value (including numerical) for each target (in an array)): The GenericConstraint refers to the list of targets and the target-corresponding value is captured in the EAArrayValue at the corresponding index. All targets have to follow the stated constraint (defined by operator and target-specific value).<br/><br/>Case 4 (One/Multiple (ordered) target(s) and EAExpression value and operator is “other“): The GenericConstraint refers to the list of targets from the EAExpression and may apply any logical/mathematical expression. The operator is set to “other“. For details about referencing Identifiables from an EAExpression, please check the description of EAExpression.<br/><br/>Constraint:<br/>[1] The set of specified target Identifiables must at least contain one target.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
operator Public ComparisonKind
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
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