
Header Image
GenericConstraintKind : Public <<enumeration>> Class GenericConstraintsOrganization
Enumeration for different type of constraints.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The semantics is defined on each literal.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
cableLength Public
Notes: The length of the cable. Recommended quantity is length.<br/>
computationalElementKind Public
Notes: The computational element kind may be CPU or GPU.<br/>
current Public
Notes: The electrical current of the target. Recommended quantity is Electric current.<br/>
developmentCost Public
Notes: The overall development cost. Recommended quantity is time.<br/>
functionAllocationDifferentHW Public
Notes: The referenced elements shall be allocated to different HW elements during design and implementation.<br/>
functionAllocationSameHW Public
Notes: The referenced elements shall be allocated to the same HW elements during design and implementation.<br/>
impedance Public
Notes: The internal impedance in Ohms to ground of the component as seen through a targetPin or between a pair of targetPins. Recommended quantity is M L^2 t^-3 I^-2.  <br/>
insulation Public
Notes: The insulation resistance of the target.<br/>
memory Public
Notes: The size in Bytes of Volatile memory <br/><br/>
nonVolatileMemory Public
Notes: The size in Bytes of Non-Volatile memory (ROM, NRAM, EPROM, etc.).<br/>
other Public
pieceCost Public
Notes: The costs per piece.<br/>
powerConsumption Public
Notes: The power consumption of the unit. Recommended quantity is power M L^2 t^-3.<br/>
powerSupplyIndependent Public
Notes: The targets (the DesignFunctions) shall be allocated to Nodes with independent power supplies.<br/><br/>This constraint needs to be implemented by appropriate FunctionAllocations in the DesignLevel.<br/>
realizationDifferent Public
Notes: The referenced elements shall be realized by different functional, logical or software element during design and implementation.<br/>
realizationSame Public
Notes: The referenced elements shall be realized by the same functional, logical or software element during design and implementation.<br/>
spaceRedundancy Public
Notes: The targets are replicated for redundancy, genericConstraintValue times.<br/>
standard Public
Notes: The standard (e.g., ISO26262) that is the basis for development of the target.<br/>
timeRedundancy Public
Notes: The targets are executed with time redundancy, genericConstraintValue times.<br/>
utilization Public
Notes: the resource utilization between 0 and 1 (0-100%)<br/>
volatileMemory Public
Notes: The size in Bytes of the Node's Volatile memory (RAM)<br/>
voltage Public
Notes: The voltage between the targets. Recommended quantity is voltage M L^2 t^-3 I^-1.<br/>
weight Public
Notes: The physical weight of the unit. Recommended quantity is mass.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0