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RangeableValueType : Public Class Datatypes
The RangeableValueType is a specific datatype applicable for numerical datatypes. It describes the accuracy, resolution, and the significant digits of the baseRangeable datatype.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The RangeableValueType adds the ability to describe the accuracy, resolution, and the significant digits of the baseRangeable datatype.<br/><br/>Notation:<br/>The datatype RangeableValueType is denoted using the rectangle symbol with keyword «Datatype RangeableValueType».<br/><br/>Extension: UML Datatype, SysML ValueType<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
accuracy Public Float
Notes: The accuracy of the data (e.g., the FunctionFlowports input or output).<br/><br/>Example: An accuracy of 0.5 of the temperature means a communicated value of 19 represents an actual temperature of 19 +/- 0.5 degrees.<br/>
resolution Public Float
Notes: The resolution of the data expressed as the size of the minimum difference between data values. <br/><br/>Example: A resolution of 0.1 means that temperature may be represented in increments of 0.1 degree.<br/>
significantDigits Public Integer
Notes: The number of significant digits, e.g., for the speed case: if the speed is a one digit number (e.g., 5 km/h), then this digit is significant, if the speed is a two digits number (e.g., 15 km/h), then the first digit is significant (here: 1), if the speed is a three digits number (e.g., 215 km/h), then the first two digits are significant (here: 21). Significant means here, that the respective digits are reliable.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: baseRangeable
The datatype with additional attributes specified by this concept.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«atpType» EADatatype Class Generalization To