VVProcedure represents an individual task in a V&V effort (represented by a VVCase), which has to be performed in order to achieve that effort's overall objective. As with VVCases, the definition of VVProcedures is separated in to two levels: an abstract and a concrete level.<br/><br/>The concrete VVProcedure represents such a task on a concrete level. It is defined with a concrete testing environment in mind and provides stimuli and the expected outcome of the procedure in a form which is directly applicable to this testing environment.<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>VVProcedure represents an individual task in a Verifcation/Validation effort.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] Only a concrete VVProcedure can have vvStimuli.<br/>[2] Only a concrete VVProcedure can have vvIntendedOutcome.<br/>[3] Only a concrete VVProcedure can have an abstractVVProcedure.<br/><br/>Extension: Class<br/>