
Header Image
TraceableSpecification : Public abstract Class RequirementsOverview, UseCase, SafetyCase, Elements
The TraceableSpecification is an abstract metaclass which is used to allow its specializations to be allocated to a Context. <br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>TraceableSpecification is specialized by requirements, test cases and other specifications, that can be allocated to a Context, for example to a sensor or to an entire HW architecture.<br/><br/>See Context and Relationship.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>The ADLTraceableSpecification is a specification stereotype which extends UML2 metaclass Element<br/>
  • Attributes
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Attribute Scope Type
text Public String
Notes: An optional description attribute that provides textual representation, or a reference to the textual representation, of the Traceable Specification in a specific formalism.<br/>
uri Public String
Notes: Reference to possible external file containing the content of the traceable specification.<br/><br/>Example: Not only requirements need to refer to possible external files containing the requirement statement but also VVOutcome.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: traceableSpecification
Traceable specification(s) identified by this context.
Name: safetyRequirement
Safety requirements and objectives in the SystemModel.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
ProductPositioning Class Generalization From  
RequirementsRelationshipGroup Class Generalization From  
«atpPrototype» BehaviorConstraintPrototype Class Generalization From  
Hazard Class Generalization From  
SafetyConstraint Class Generalization From  
QuantitativeSafetyConstraint Class Generalization From  
«atpType» FunctionClientServerInterface Class Generalization From  
«atpType» EADatatype Class Generalization From  
VVLog Class Generalization From  
«atpType» ErrorModelType Class Generalization From  
VVIntendedOutcome Class Generalization From  
EAPackageableElement Class Generalization To  
GenericConstraint Class Generalization From  
VVActualOutcome Class Generalization From  
Warrant Class Generalization From  
FaultFailure Class Generalization From  
StakeholderNeed Class Generalization From  
VVCase Class Generalization From  
VVTarget Class Generalization From  
Ground Class Generalization From  
Stakeholder Class Generalization From  
ModeGroup Class Generalization From  
Claim Class Generalization From  
HazardousEvent Class Generalization From  
UseCase Class Generalization From  
ProblemStatement Class Generalization From  
VVStimuli Class Generalization From  
BusinessOpportunity Class Generalization From  
RequirementsHierarchy Class Generalization From  
Situation Class Generalization From  
SafetyCase Class Generalization From  
Actor Class Generalization From  
Requirement Class Generalization From  
FeatureFlaw Class Generalization From  
ReuseMetaInformation Class Generalization From  
Item Class Generalization From  
VVProcedure Class Generalization From