The TraceableSpecification is an abstract metaclass which is used to allow its specializations to be allocated to a Context. <br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>TraceableSpecification is specialized by requirements, test cases and other specifications, that can be allocated to a Context, for example to a sensor or to an entire HW architecture.<br/><br/>See Context and Relationship.<br/><br/>Extension: <br/>The ADLTraceableSpecification is a specification stereotype which extends UML2 metaclass Element<br/>
An optional description attribute that provides textual representation, or a reference to the textual representation, of the Traceable Specification in a specific formalism.<br/>
Reference to possible external file containing the content of the traceable specification.<br/><br/>Example: Not only requirements need to refer to possible external files containing the requirement statement but also VVOutcome.<br/>