The GenericConstraint denotes a property, requirement, or a validation result for the identified element of the model. The kind of GenericConstraint is described as one of the GenericConstraintKind literals.<br/><br/>Example: If the attribute genericConstraintType is cableLength, the value could be "5 meters" (value of a numerical datatype with unit "meters").<br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The GenericConstraint does not describe what is classically referred to as a "design" constraint but has the role of a property, requirement, or a validation result. It is a requirement if this GenericConstraint refines a Requirement (by the Refine relationship). The GenericConstraint is a validation result if it realizes a VVActualOutcome, it is an intended validation result if it realizes a VVIntendedOutcome, and in other cases it denotes a property.<br/><br/><br/>Extension: Class<br/>
The TakeRateConstraint defines the ratio between the number of configurations that includes the target elements and the number of configurations that include the source. If several source elements are referenced, it would be the configurations in which all these exist.
TakeRateConstraint complements configuration decisions, as the latter defines the rules for actual configuration. TakeRateConstraint defines expected rates of configurations and the set of constraints should be consistent with the configuration decisions. Also, the set of TakeRateConstraints shall be consistent among themselves.