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TakeRateConstraint : Public Class GenericConstraintsOrganization
The TakeRateConstraint defines the ratio between the number of configurations that includes the target elements and the number of configurations that include the source. If several source elements are referenced, it would be the configurations in which all these exist.<br/><br/>TakeRateConstraint complements configuration decisions, as the latter defines the rules for actual configuration. TakeRateConstraint defines expected rates of configurations and the set of constraints should be consistent with the configuration decisions. Also, the set of TakeRateConstraints shall be consistent among themselves.<br/><br/>Constraints:<br/>[1] The cardinality of target is #gt; 0 <br/><br/>Semantics:<br/>The TakeRate constraint defines frequency of configurations. Let sourceamount and targetamount be the number of system configurations where all source and target elements, respectively, are included. take rate= targetamount/sourceamount. If no source is associated, take rate=targetamount.<br/>The take rate is expressed as an EANumericalValue (a concrete value general type EAValue).<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
Name: source
The elements that are compared with the elements identified by target (see GenericConstraint).
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
GenericConstraint Class Generalization To The TakeRateConstraint defines the ratio between the number of configurations that includes the target elements and the number of configurations that include the source. If several source elements are referenced, it would be the configurations in which all these exist. TakeRateConstraint complements configuration decisions, as the latter defines the rules for actual configuration. TakeRateConstraint defines expected rates of configurations and the set of constraints should be consistent with the configuration decisions. Also, the set of TakeRateConstraints shall be consistent among themselves.